Sarah Larue Family Divorce Attorney
LaRue Law PLLC

Professional guidance and personalized attention meeting individual needs

LaRue Law serves clients who are considering divorce or establishing a parenting plan and need guidance on mediation, child support, guardian ad litem representation and collaborative dissolutions.

The legal process in these matters is more complex than most people realize. That is why engaging a family lawyer with both experience and robust expertise is crucial. We emphasize using collaborative law and mediated solutions because we believe that, if at all possible, family transitions and issues are best managed and resolved outside of the courtroom.

Call to Request a Consult:
(406) 513-1444
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Affordable Excellence

The complexity of a case drives costs as does any contention. For that reason, we offer our legal assistance based on different budgets. For clients who cannot afford full attorney representation, we offer a menu of services on an “a la carte” or limited scope basis.

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Expertise and Empathy

We bring not only 15-plus years of experience in family cases but also a smart, thoughtful and caring approach to case and client management. We are responsive and provide our clients with an honest assessment of their case and their options. Our excellent reputation and relationships with Lewis and Clark County judges assure clients they will get the best possible representation.

sarah larue family attorney

Lead Attorney, Sarah LaRue

Inspired by a high school law class, Attorney LaRue set herself on a career path in law, graduating from the Michigan State University College of Law with a Juris Doctor and receiving her Montana State Bar license in 2008. After working eight years as an attorney at Bozeman and Helena, MT law firms, she started her private practice, LaRue Law, in Helena in 2017.

Based on her drive to help families, kids and relationships, Attorney LaRue focuses her firm on domestic relations cases involving dissolution, mediation, parenting, support, paternity, and adoption. She brings numerous strengths to her practice that serve her clients well, such as calm, level-headedness, problem-solving, patience, and empathy.

Since 2012, Attorney LaRue has acted as Guardian ad Litem in private (non-state involved) parenting plans, terminations and adoption cases in various District Courts across Montana. Since 2015, she has served as a Mediator in domestic relations cases across the state. She possesses certifications in Advanced Collaborative Divorce and in Child and Family Advocacy.

Attorney LaRue is a member of the American Bar Association, the Montana Collaborative Professionals, and the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals. She is a Youth Soccer Coach in Helena and a past board president and board member of the YMCA Helena. In 2016, She was named one of Helena’s Top 20 Under 40.